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This Japanese-style pod hotel in Noida charges just

Convenience is a virtue, and pod or capsule hotels offer just that. A concept which is quite popular in Japan, capsule hotels have sprung up in different parts of the world, including India. An X (formerly Twitter) user recently visited a pod hotel in Noida and shared her experience with netizens. Read on to take a tour, find out the cost, and learn more.
The pod hotel in Noida is called NapTapGo. The X user (@Somya_Crazy) posted pictures and videos of her experience of staying at the unique hotel in a thread caption, “Stayed in a pod-style hotel in Noida!”
In the thread, she revealed that the pod hotel has designated capsules/pods for guests and private pod suites. She stayed inside a capsule with a single bed, a mirror, a panel with different settings and charging points, manual and centralised locks, and an entertainment screen.
The hotel also had a dedicated washroom for women, along with a common washroom that was ‘quite clean’ and a common area to share with guests. The X user shared that she stayed at the pod hotel for 8 hours and listed some cons. She shared, “It was not soundproof (people were quiet, though). [It] is sort of like dorms – when someone moves, you can feel the disturbance.” She added, “They had private room options as well, which cost almost the same. I think it would have no disturbance & would be soundproof. They charge on an hourly basis. I paid 1K for 8 hours on a Saturday (4 am to 12 pm). It’s cheaper on weekdays.”
Currently, NapTapGo is only open in Noida. For a booking of 12 hours, the hotel charges approximately ₹1,000. While they offer similar amenities for the Private Pods and the Private POD Room Suite, only one occupant can stay inside the latter. As for the suite, it can accommodate 1 adult and a kid.
Address: Plot No 4, H01A, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Pod/capsule hotels are cheap, tiny rooms suitable for budget travellers. The concept was developed in Japan, and it became popular among locals and foreigners. They feature many small, bed-sized rooms known as capsules. They were originally meant for business professionals to sleep close to populated business districts without the large price tag.
